Recently – on 5 Feb – TRM’s facebook blog was composed by keen bikie inmates who had just completed the BIG DAY OUT – a 40 km ride from the heart of the Kaimanawas back to TRM. Since then others have requested more info. Go to the link on :
Photos of TRM inmates, Campbell & Nicola, about to depart from Tree Trunk Road on TRM’s Big Day Out – following the Tongariro River tracks and roads back to Turangi.
Since then more and more bikers have asked for detailed riding notes and more info. No wonder, when they compare the only other 25km downhill trail from the Kaimanawas is charging – wait for it – $350 per person to be shuttled up to the top by chopper. So the following is to assist those more prudent prospective inmates who are planning the better TRM alternative 40 km downhill trail which costs absolutely nothing! What a big decision… But if you do not intend to stay at TRM you are not allowed to read it – OK?
The start is located on SH1 intersection with Tree Trunk Gorge Road about midway between Waiouru and Turangi – 30 km south of Turangi or 31 km north of Waiouru. Bikers need to arrange their own shuttle vehicle to get their bikes there, or if they have two vehicles one could be left at the start. TRM may be able to help shuttle our inmates.
The cleverly surveyed route involves linking up several existing scenic tourist trails to provide extraordinary variety in natural scenery, riding surfaces, native bush and forests, rough riding on DOC managed tracks to a smooth concrete speed section; something for everyone, more interesting and challenging variety (according to bikers who have returnmed to do it again and again) than on any other bike trail in NZ.
TRM inmates are supplied with Kaimanawa Forest maps (the old fashioned paper version) which are important to avoid getting lost as some of the linkages between sections of the trails are quite tricky. They are better than downloading iPhone links as they illustrate all the other options as well. That is why they prefer to book with TRM. The following notes are important as we have had some tourists taking the wrong turn and getting (temporarily) lost…
Stage 1: A steady downhill cruise on a sealed road as a warm-up to link with the DOC managed track from Tree Trunk Road. Curious bikers wondering why the road was formed fifty years ago (and still no pot holes!) are encouraged to bike to the end of the road to view the huge exposed pipe that carries water from Lake Moawhango to the underground power station. This was built during the “Think Big” era.
Stage 2 The Tree Trunk Gorge track starts with a long downhill but involves three stream crossings where bikers will get their feet wet. They are not too difficult unless it has rained before. Do not attempt these if the streams are swollen. The trail is a typical DOC-managed walking track through natural bush all the way. It emerges at the Urchin campsite – well signposted by DOC.
Stage 3 The road out has another DOC-signed trail leading off to the left towards the Pillars of Hercules. This is part of a loop track back to the Desert Road beyond the bridge across the upper Tongariro River. Have a look at the scenery from the bridge but take the gravel road to the right heading gently uphill towards Kaimanawa Road.
Stage 4 From the gravel road bike past the Kaimanawa Camp Ground entrance and turn right at the intersection with Kaimanawa Road towards the underground power station. There are plenty of DOC signs labelling everything. Then after a short distance turn left towards the cleared Umukarikari camping ground for the first drink stop under cover.
For those keen enough with energy to burn the Kaimanawa Road continues into the hills to the tunnel into the underground power station but there is nothing much to see other than a roller door leading to the caves of Mordor.
Stage 5 Continue mainly downhill on the rough gravel road to the Hydro Dam and Poutu Intake. Cross over the dam looking right to see how many trout can be spotted at the base of the dam. The waterfall on the left flowing into Beggs Pool is from the underground power station turbines. Then bike a short sharp uphill link with the sealed Kaimanawa Road and turn right heading back towards the Desert Road.
Stage 6 From Kaimanawa Road look for the only forest trail on the right and leads that through the pine plantation for about 2 km and take the only road on the left following the Canal Road sign. This is private forest road access so no stopping for photos or picnics until you get to the canal.
Stage 7 The Speed section is following the northern side of the canal heading west under SH1 towards Lake Rotoaira. Keep only to the right hand side of the canal and look out for a gravel track leading to some old abandoned structures. These are a big surprise for your second drink stop. Avoid the bee hives. Long after you have forgotten the winding route you will remember the drink stop. After recovering and taking selfies continue on the canal where there are two options.
Stage 8 The First option on reaching Rotoaira Road is to take the exit and head off downhill back towards the Desert Road. Take the first road into the forest on the left which will lead you back to SH1 above the Red Hut car-park (toilet stop) rest stop. The Second option is to continue on the canal to the dam and look for a rough trail off to the right leading to link with the forestry road through Lake Rotoaira Forest and head back downhill towards SH1 on the same road as in the first option. No stopping or picnics allowed in the privately owned forest. A reason for this route through the forest is to avoid the SH1 bridge crossing over the Poutu Stream as the bridge has no cycle shoulders. To avoid trucks the bridge should only be attacked at full speed waiting until there is a lull in the main road traffic. For safety reasons it is best to take the forest bypass.
Stage 9 From SH1 proceed north to turn off into the Red Hut Carpark for a drink and comfort stop. Then follow the Tongariro River Trail down the steps with cunning narrow bike ramps alongside and cross over the swing bridge – an easy peasy attractive popular tourist trail for about 5 km back to Turangi.
There are various options to lengthen or shorten the route. The nine stages above are the most popular. There are no other scenic tourist bike trails that can compete with the wide variety of scenery and trails as each stage is completely different to make the experience more interesting and invigorating. And remember, it is mainly downhill for over 40km!