Alicia Lepper from Taranaki sent in this dazzling selection of some of her trout released today from an unamed wild remote river over the hill from Turangi. She was guided by Jason from Creel.
The condition factor of these trout is quite remarkable. She lost her biggest trout that took off downriver and she was unable to put the brakes on. Comparatively, the tail and fin development of these trout in a turbulent river environment is so superior to the Taupo trout that mature cruising around in Lake Taupo. These back-country river trout fight so much harder pound for pound. Alicia will never forget her big day out.
If you want to know where you will have to ask her (or Jason) – she will be fishing the Tongariro for the next few days.
You will recognise her by her beaming smile which will last for a while yet.
Thank you Alicia for the photos which were needed after TRM’s discouraging Judges Pool report.